
Spend Crypto Like Fiat

Unlock the potential of your cryptocurrencies and experience financial freedom like never before.
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Crypto Wallet
Support major cryptocurrencies and chains
Instant deposit and withdrawal
Unique blochchain address for each client
Global Payment Solution
Instand credit settlement
No prior fiat conversion
0 deposit and withdrawal fee
Global Payment Solution
Instand credit settlement
No prior fiat conversion
0 deposit and withdrawal fee
Get Your Physical Card
Additional benefits include the ability to withdraw local currencies globally with ATMs and physically swipe the card at millions of merchants worldwide.
蒙版备份 4
蒙版备份 4
Unique Blockchain Address
A distinct wallet address is assigned to each client on the blockchain for streamlined transfer of digital assets with RedotPay.
Trusted Custodianship
RedotPay works with a licensed Hong Kong Trust Company (License No. TC006789) offering a 50 million specie insurance from One degree to safeguard client's assets. Private keys are securely stored in top-tier HSMs with FIPS 140-2 Level 3 standards.
Proof of Ownership
At RedotPay, clients are registered as the owners of their digital assets. Our records will demonstrate clients' ownership of their assets in third-party custody, where this can be used as proof of owners in the event of undesireable circustances such as company insolvency.
Binance Pay
Offering exclusive features and offers for Binance Pay Users
Fully automated ID and biometric verification
AML compliance
Compliant with AML regulations with real-time blockchain transaction monitoring

Frequently Asked Questions

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